
What would culture be without tradition

Our traditional associations embellish the numerous religious and secular celebrations throughout the year. They also contribute, with means of their own events, to the preservation of their traditions and entertainment.


StadtkapelleTown band (Stadtkapelle Freistadt)  
In traditional costume or uniform the town brass band always presents itself magnificently and accompanies many events of the year.





Bürgergarde (Citizens Guard)
Admire one of the oldest citizens guards of Austria during their traditional Easter Watch from Good Friday to Easter Saturday. Or during one of their marches over the course of the year.




GardemusikMusic Band of the Comradeship Alliance and the Bürgergarde
With their waving plumes on their hats, the guard’s music is not only a musical pleasure but also a sight not to be missed.




GoldhaubenGolden bonnets group
Proudly, our ladies wear their self-made golden bonnets and headscarves, an especially beautiful sight when all the group members present themselves together.





Night Watchman
In medieval times the night watchman had an important task: he had to shut the city gates in the evening and reopen them in the morning, shout out the time and always check, that there was no fire anywhere. Nowadays our night watchman wanders round the city in mild summer evenings and delights the guests.